
Strike Out!

Dress & vest from a boutique in Singapore. Snakeskin printed leggings from Guess. Vintage Chanel backpack. Mixed accessories. Boots from Australia.

"Wasting" the night away in the name of pure fun. Can't remember the last time I bowled, but this recent avocation gave my self esteem much boost when I realized that despite lack of practice, my skill of striking apparently hasn't deteriorated. Ha! Who would've thought aye?

And as promised in the previous post, here's the dress I was talking about. The slashes by the shoulder points simply capture my heart. I was immediately sold as soon as I laid eyes on them. Outfitted here over (hands down) the most comfortable leggings I've ever worn!

PS: By the time you read this post I will probably already be at 30,000 feet above the Indian Ocean, on a plane from Malaysia to Australia. See you down under!